Duties And Role Of The Strata Manager

Strata manager and property managers are the terms which are used interchangeably but these are not the same term and many people have this confusion. The property manager is the person who is responsible for the collections of the rents and the management of the properties which are not his own belongings but he performs all these kinds of tasks on behalf of the actual owner who pays him for it and usually the properties that the property manager manages are non-strata and therefore, these do not have the strict regulations and rules as the strata property. The strata manage on the other hand needs to ensure that all the regulations and rules of the strata are managed according to the contract. In most of the cases, the tenants and the owner himself is not aware of the many rules of the strata properties and therefore, the strata manager in Sydney helps them to understand the rules and resolves their disputes and answers their concerns.

Responsibilities and duties:

Administration duties:

The strata manager is assigned to handle all the aspects of the building which could either be outside of the building that could include the buyers and then inside the building which include the current tenant management.

Another important duty of the strata manager is the upkeep of the properties which includes all the major and the minor repairs and maintenance work such as the pools cleanliness, repairing of the lifts among other things.

The strata manager works as the bridge between the owner and the tenant and therefore, he manages all the communication between them and keep both sides aware of the other.

The strata manager also deals with the insurances as well as keeping the records of all the contracts of the owners and the tenants. He also maintains the documentations of the repairs and maintenance of the property.

Social duties:

There are certain laws applied to the strata properties but the strata manager with the consent of the owner could amend and implement certain laws and rules. In case when the tenants are not aware of any rule then the strata manager makes them understand and answer their queries. Not only this but he listens to all kind of the feedback and analyse that which of the rules applied are effective and which are not, then these are communicated to the owner and amended to make the most of the properties. Although these are some of the basic duties of the strata manager and this could increase or decrease depending on the kind of the strata properties that the manager is managing. Visit this webpage to find out more details.

Do You Require An Engineering Survey?

Hennig and Co. are the ones to contact in case you require any kind of survey especially if it is an engineering survey.  This is because they are the best at it, and surely you wouldn’t settle on anything less than the best for your project. Basically an engineering survey is a collection of monitoring and assessing all factors involved during construction, from planning and designing to operation. There are various ways on how they approach a project, mostly depending upon what the customers demand.

How do they do it?

One way of doing it is that your surveyor will visit the land, on which you for instance are planning to build a structural steel work, let’s say a bridge. Then your hydrographic surveyor will have to see the location, to see if there are any buildings in the way or not. A surveyor uses a variety of machines and equipment’s on site during a survey ranging from a GPS to a digital level and many more. If the path of construction is not free, then they will guide you on to doing that first. The next step would be to look at the designs that you have and let you know if its construction is possible or will suggest alterations if its construction seems practically difficult to achieve. In case you don’t have a design, you can ask them to come up with a design for you and the team at Hennig and Co. will be more than pleased to do so for you.

Many surveyors these days make use of latest technology and especially computer based software’s for designing a project and assessing its feasibility. This way work is made easier and innovative. Once your engineering surveyors gives you a green signal in terms of the design, only then can you begin the construction. If you think that the job of a surveyor ends when construction on site begins, then you are highly mistaken! Your engineering surveyor needs to be in contact with your site supervisor and construction engineers so that any technical issue if faced can be resolved in no time, without halting the project.  They also have to keep record of the data preferably in the form of maps and spreadsheets so that analysis becomes easier. Visit https://www.hennig.com.au/land_surveyors.html for further information regarding land surveying.

What is a boundary survey?

As the name suggest, this survey is carried out to decipher the boundary of a land. This can be done for numerous reasons, most common of these include: when home owners are putting up new fences, they hire a surveyor to know exactly the boundary of their land, so that fences are installed correctly, or if you want to construct a building and want to know exactly how much land you own. Many a times boundary surveyors have also helped neighbors in resolving their claims over land ownership.  The laws regarding land and its ownership may vary from state to state and to keep a track on this, you would surely need services of a professional and none other than Hennig and Co. can do this for you.