Toddlers in action

Kids are known to be the most spirited and active members of the family. They are always busy or up to some mischievous work or maybe doing something without any noise. This is the age they should be given the freedom to explore little life of them such as let them play in rain and jump in to a mud bath or to catch a butterfly.

From these things they learn faster through their experience of daily new things they see and touch. They will try to behave like seeing your actions because kids are very responsive to their parents. The children who are below two years need to be given the most nutritious food without trying new foods since they are still small to be given new food. You can ask your paediatrician about the best formula for toddler to be given and you should anything which doubts you. Your toddler should be given a balanced diet since your child is growing and developing in a fast way so he needs to be given the best nutritionally rich food with baby formula a good combination of calories and vitamins to boost their development more healthily.

If you are a new mother with first child you should know and what’s a balanced diet it’s like you have to add a variety of different food for your toddler since he needs to try everything. It’s a booster for your child’s development as well as he learns about food flavours. Especially the infants who are less old than 12 months they must be give natural baby formula which contains the organic sources from vegetables in a powder form. Since they are more sensitive and easily get ill, the formula must be rechecked with what it contains since you can’t leave any room for your child get sick.

These organic formulas maybe bit expensive but you must choose wisely for infant formula since your infant doesn’t still have a good immune system. After like 18 months you can give him or her different food like homemade pizza or maybe muffins to try different flavours like sweet and sour or offer creative food so lunch and dinner times will be more enthusiastic for him. Let them play a lot since it will also make them more hungry and you should teach him at the smallest age to drink more water, teach him to do this as a habit since kids these days tends to forget to drink water. You have to give more attention to your kid’s diets because their growth is really fascinating and it’s the best age to develop food habits.